Exclusive Private Mentorship '' A Happy Life ''

Your inner journey & transformation in 7 weeks

so you can redesign your life!


Where do you find real happiness?

The fact is that where you are now happiness is already within you.

Here’s my advice … stop looking!

There is really nothing to look forward to because you are not “finding” true happiness, you are “connecting” with it.

Let me say that again; you do not “find” happiness you “connect” you with it. It’s you.


By living your true self. When you live your true self, you are always happy. Why? Because your true self is always happy, always peaceful, always happy, always loving and always powerful!

If you live your true self, all those traits become yours forever.

  • You have less fear and worry.
  • You feel less stressed.
  • You feel less irritable and angry.
  • You feel less overwhelmed and frustrated.
  • You have less confusion and indecision.
  • You are less reactive. Things will no longer trigger you like they used to.
  • You will be less upset if things don’t go the way you want.
  • And things that bothered you before will not bother you at all.
  • You will learn that letting go and trust create happiness
  • And what other people see as a problem, you will see as no problem.
  • You see solutions and only follow positivity.
  • Happiness comes to you.

It comes down to realizing your dream life.

This is truly a life-changing course

And you know, most people spend a LIFE hunting for happiness and freedom.
Now everything is ready for you in love and confidence.
This knowledge, wisdom and energy completely changed my own life, as well as that of other people around the world

this is what the Exclusive Private Mentorship
"A Happy Life" consists of:

All 5 essential keys with lifetime access € 1997 

The full knowledge, energy and wisdom through step-by-step audio recordings of EACH KEY. The lyrics, words and sounds reach and transform deeply into the subconscious mind in order to undergo a lifelong change.

The Essential Keys
Intention and Intuition
Thoughts and Emotions
Choices and Results

7 weeks private and group coaching € 997

LIVE coaching with Angelo
1 x 90 minutes per week LIVE with Angelo (7 interactive sessions in total)
Group coaching to support each other to a new awareness and result
Q&A with Angelo and Live Guidance Sessions

Member of The Happiness Family € 997 per year

Inner networking with like-minded people
Accountability by light workers who support each other
Regularly active Mindfulness live sessions.
Stimulation for future partnerships: motivation of other people, coaches and experts to manifest worldly transformation

and, if you are someone taking action now, you will get these amazing valuable bonuses

BONUS#1 : Interactive Guidance

BONUS#2: Inspiration & Motivation Videos

BONUS#3: Transforming Meditations (wisdom from Cambodia)

The total value of this Exclusive
Private Mentorship '' A Happy Life ': 3997€
Temporary for 1997€
rather pay in installments
What others say about the program

The course I was allowed to take with you is a wonderful gift for which I am deeply grateful. It was my best choice ever. Een investering waar ik meer levenskwaliteit, door mag beleven en delen, samen met de mensen, in de wereld waar ik in leef

Thank you. I find that I can trust much better. Trust my Soul, trust what's to come. It even feels like I'm actually in it.

Connecting with our pure essence is one of the missions of life, of all of us, there we find unconditional love and real freedom. Angelo has lightened my path and guided me to be a better person, to live from pure love, from the pure heart

Your work is like a ray of sunshine on this bleak and rainy day. Your enthusiasm radiates. I feel happier than ever.

Do you have any questions?
Email the Happiness Team info@angelokaplar.com

Angelo Kaplar

Copyright 2020 All rights Reserved by Angelo Kaplar   

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